Yoga, relaxation and meditation with sound bath and ReikI

Pamper your work team or the staff of your company with a delicious gentle yoga class, to de-stress the body, stretch it and help it feel relaxed and balanced, accompanied by a deep relaxation guided with a gentle massage of the feet, head and hands as well as reiki energy work and sound of bowls, ending with a guided meditation that will make your day completely special and blessed.


Every new moon, all women invited to gather together in a circle for a sacred ceremony where we are going to set an intention,  contemplate  the four elements within: earth, water, fire and air in order to balance them  through meditation, chanting, singing, playing instruments, dancing, cleansing our energetic body with copal incense, palo santo,  rose water, filling ourselves with pure love, and compassion. Children are always welcome. This sisterhood meetings give women a safe space to connect, share and empower.

ACCESS BARS (healing therapies)

The access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love.


A system to release stress with conscious simple breathing techniques ending with a relaxing sound bath.


Practice based on the principles of the Kundalini Yoga, educating our mind and body to live in a state of well-being, it involves chanting mantras, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses. Its purpose is to activate the kundalini energy, or chakras. This is a spiritual energy located at the base of the spine and channeled upward through  in a process of awaken the energy for spiritual perfection


For the ceremony we use pure organic cacao which contains numerous substances with many benefits to our body , such as powerful antioxidants, theobromine, which produces beta – endorphins, hormones that increase blood flow in our body and irrigation for our brain in 40%, bringing clarity and presence of thought, leaving a warm feeling of euphoria and fulfillment. When consumed ceremonial as the Mayas considered, it is a journey to our interior, our intuition and inner wisdom to expand our heart and connect with the divine.

EXTRA OCULAR VISION. By Tara. For children from 7 to12 years old.

This is a course that consists in 10 classes one per week, where the practice of relaxing techniques guided by a certified instructor to children, are able to help them reach that state they are blindfolded.
Once that state is reached, the instructor asks them to do a series of questionnaires that give the instructor a guide to give instructions to parents that they should implement at home so that the child can maximize the benefits of the method.
The synergy between the instructor, parents and children allows to obtain observable positive changes from the first session. An important part of the methodology is the use of tools to work on a painful event for the child that they have not been able to handle at the time and that is the cause of poor performance at school or in their social relationships.
A child with fewer negative emotional burdens is a child with a greater willingness to pay attention in class and making better use of it.

If you are interested in supporting your children to improve their skills, this is the course for them.

What can my children achieve with the methodology “Extra Ocular Vision”?

-This methodology E.O.V helps mainly in school learning in children and young people from 7 to 12 in addition to the following:

– Development of the mind so that the student can memorize better and this helps him to improve his academic performance.

– Expansion of consciousness which the child will seek to go in favor of good customs supported at home.

– Strengthening of the will to help them set goals and achieve them more easily finding the strength and confident in themselves.

By activating VEO, a large percentage of children between the ages of 7 and 12 develop the ability to perceive their surroundings blindfolded. From the age of 12 is difficult to obtain this ability but the rest of the benefits of the methodology continued to be achieved.

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